Maximum length of abstract should be 250 words. It should be clearly divided into Background, brief methodology, significant results and conclusion. Abstract can only be submitted through online form. Only abstract of paid participants will be published in abstract book and included in conference program.

Session Papers

Session papers can be presented orally or as posters. Researchers are encouraged to submit any number of papers as co-author, but each will be allowed to present one poster or one oral paper as author.
a)    Oral Presentation: Time allowed for each presentation will be 15 minutes, including time for discussion.
b)   Poster Presentation: Each poster will be allocated a number and a display panel/space measuring 48” x 48”, and text font size should easily readable at a distance of 1.5 meters.

Poster format include Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions, and maximum 2 References. Poster must be prepared according to the specifications outlined, if not, will not be displayed.


The following journals may invite outstanding papers presented in the conference, those related to the scope of the journals.


Applied Food Biotechnology (as a journal indexed in web of science)

Print ISSN: 2345-5357 Online ISSN: 2423-4214






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Call for Papers

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